Property 12: San Cristobal

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It is a beautiful property with a total of 16 hectares of proprietary rights, which combines the beauty of a ravine and spectacular river, with great mangroves crossed by a canal which permits comfortable access from a boat to land.
It has high hills with splendid views over the nearby capital of Bocas, and also on the islands of Carenero, Solarte and Bastimentos.
Located on the north-eastern side of San Cristobal island, it has a beautiful primary forest (where a tree has never been cut down), and lovely prairies with pastures and coconut trees.
On the coast that faces Almirante sea there is a small island of about 4 Hectares with a rice plantation and coconut trees (both large and small). Directly in front there is a large coral reef for bathing and snorkelling.

Finca 12